Cheek lift, also known as a midface lift, improves signs of aging in the midface by repositioning sagging tissue, and where necessary redraping sagging skin for a naturally more youthful cheek.

Cheek lift may be appropriate if you have loose or sagging skin that creates a malar bag or tear trough, or if your midface has lost natural height and fullness.

Generally outpatient, a midface lift is most commonly performed under general anesthesia and may require an overnight stay if combined with other procedures.

Recovery depends on the extent of your midface lift, and any accompanying procedures. You may engage in light activity the day after your surgery; a return to more normal activity may take 1-2 weeks. Your appearance will gradually refine over the following 4-6 weeks.

Proper skincare and sun protection are essential during healing and to maintain your results.

Results can be long-term, turning back the clock on your appearance from 8 to 10 years. Nothing can fully prevent aging; natural aging will continue after your midface lift.

“There are times in our lives when we make sacrifices for others that truly touches someone’s soul! You have done that for me. You’ve sacrificed your personal time and plans to help me; you’ve been persistent to my health matters and you’ve been a friend when I needed to talk. Please know, I am forever grateful and thank you.” Sue

Articles and Lectures

Co-chairman, Perspectives and Advances in Plastic Surgery, Midface lift: Superficial Cheeklift, Management of Enophthalmos, Vail, CO, 2004.

Teaching Course – Oculoplastic Surgery for the Plastic Surgeon Talk: Failure of the Superficial Cheek lift, American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Boston, MA, 2000.

Canthoplasty vs. Canthopexy, Correcting Mid-face Morphology with Cheek Lift Modifications, New Horizons in Cosmetic Surgery, La Jolla, CA, 2000.

Modifications of Lower Blepharoplasty and Cheek Lift, Advances in Aesthetic Surgery: The Cutting Edge III, New York, N.Y., 2000.

Improving Results & Reducing Complications in Blepharoplasty & Cheek Lifts, The XIII International Symposium of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, Martinique, FWI, 2000.

Lower Blepharoplasty Cheeklift – A 5 year experience, ASAPS Panel: Restoring the Youthful Eyelid, American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Dallas, TX, 1999.

Avoiding Complications with the Lower Blepharoplasty Cheeklift, Combined Extended SMAS Facelift with Cheeklift, Alabama Symposium on Interdisciplinary Plastic Surgery, Birmingham, AL, 1998.

Combined Subperiosteal Cheeklift with Extended SMAS Facelift, Teaching Course: Facial Rejuvenation, The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, NY, 1997.

Eyelid Anatomy, Transblepharoplasty Midfacelift: Indications and Evolution, International fSymposium on Aesthetic Surgery, Atlanta, GA, 1997.

The Cheeklift as a Reconstructive Procedure of the Lower Eyelid, American Society of Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, San Francisco, CA, 1997.

Eyelid Avoidance and Management of Laser Resurfacing Complications, Subperiosteal Cheeklift, International Symposium on Aesthetic Surgery, Atlanta, GA, 1996.

Combined Subperiosteal Cheeklift with Lower Blepharoplasty, American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, San Francisco, CA, 1995.

Combined Subperiosteal Cheeklift with Lower Blepharoplasty, Society of Plastic Surgeons, Ponte Vedra, FL, 1995.

Combined Subperiosteal Cheeklift with Lower Blepharoplasty, Southern Oculoplastic Society, Captiva, FL, 1995.

Combined Subperiosteal Cheeklift with Lower Blepharoplasty, Plastic Surgery Grand Rounds, Miami, FL, 1995.

Combined Subperiosteal Cheeklift with Lower Blepharoplasty, Southeastern Society Best Paper Award, American Society for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, Montreal, 1995.

Subperiosteal Malar Cheeklift with Lower Blepharoplasty of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Atlanta, GA, 1995.


Codner, MA. Ed. Techniques in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Series. Elsevier, 2009.. Midface Lift. Boehm, K., Cardoso de Castro, C. C..

Codner, MA, Ed., McCord, CD. Eyelid & Periorbital Surgery., Vol 1 & 2, St. Louis: Quality Medical Publishing. 2008.

Codner, MA and S. Pacella, “Midface Lift” In S.J. Aston, D.S. Steinbrech, J.L. Walden (eds.). Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, First Edition. Edinburgh: Elsevier. 2008.

Codner, MA. Modifying the Subperiosteal Cheek Lift. Aesthetic Surgery Journal. 23:203-204, 2003.

Codner, MA and TR Hester. Discussion of Gunter, JP, Hackney, FL. A simplified Transblepharoplasty Subperiosteal Cheeklift. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery 103(7), 2036-2039, 1999.

Hester, TR, MA Codner and CD McCord The “Centrofacial” Approach for Correction of Facial Aging Using the Transblepharoplasty Subperiosteal Cheeklift. Aesthetic Surgery Quarterly, 96 (1), 51-58.

Codner, MA, TR Hester, and CD McCord. Combined Subperiosteal Cheeklift with Lower Blepharoplasty. Plastic Surgery Forum, 1996.

McCord, CD, MA Codner and TR Hester. Subperiosteal Malar Cheeklift. Eyelid Surgery, McCord, CD, Lippincott – Raven, Philadelphia, 1995.